Frequent Kidney infections/dizzines/supper GI pain? - kidney pain and dizzines
I am a woman of 23 years who have had 5 kidneys infections in the last 8 months. Each is from upper abdominal pain (accompanied immediately below the diaphragm), severe headaches and dizziness and fainting. I was diagnosed with chronic gastritis, and no doctor has tested more renal function. What could investigate the cause (s) and you must speak with my doctor?
(I sex with a monogamous partner completely and urinating after sexual intercourse, each time, and only a handful of partners in my life)
You need to be checked for kidney stones. They should nevertheless be regularly tested for sexually transmitted diseases. It may take several months to show signs.
MYS proposal would YOUR DR Want more evidence, if he / she is not for 2 To request the opinion
You probably have some form of kidney disease. I suggest you tell your doctor that you want to run more tests, tests of renal function.
I said, can prove only people who ask their doctor if they need to feel now.
Tell your doctor that he is an idiot and ask for a referral to a urologist?
I passed a chronic urinary tract infections and the same kind of something I once a month, and in the area of my kidneys! Then I went to a urologist. GONE.everything is resolved.
U seems to be in much pain. Whatever U mentioned above, tell ur doctor. You can know what is happening. Do not worry, God is with and care of yourself
The same thing happened last year. Although I have only one, I just wanted to say OMG .. I feel so bad for you! its so sad!
When you visit the doctor, was asked to do a urine sample? Reason for the question is that renal function can urine test results. The Protin spill your kidneys, is the worst.
To make your thoughts just a band, called the little bit of those bands Keratin * * think that is sold in a bottle with a color to each pharmacy. Counter .. About drug testing kits for home use.
Whatever urinate into a cup, dip the blades, and the color on, you know, when you shed Protien. Time will tell what is normal and what is not.
Good luck ... Many hugs for you .. Jeez .. coulnt I think!
I IU every 2 0R 3 months, blood in the urine is not visible) (My doctor sent me to a urologist cystoscope and has said he saw nothing wrong. I do not see anyth not, however, cancer. You do not have abdomonial and back pain. Kidneys Doctor is perhaps what you should do.
PUSH is further proof that the system of the urinary tract and GI Sysytems each other aggrivated can. My child has always had problems in the urine, only a few symptoms until the GI trac angry. Papers treat gastro-intestinal symptoms and landed again in the shortest time with the same symptoms and often infection (UTI, urinary trac). Prolonged, untreated infection can damage the urinary tract. Gat Settelen Once your urinary tract, including gastrointestinal symptoms disappeared. Good luck.
I have the same problem! I wonder what I should say, because then it would be better. I think sometimes it helps if I Planty liquid ... But I know that almost every two weeks.
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